For Schools

Participating High Schools
Participating Employers

PLEASE NOTE: As Individual Employer Participation is Finalized, They Will Be Added Here. This List is Just Getting Started!
Participating Employers

Copyright 2024 Employward, Inc.

Employward does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, ancestry, age, disability, political affiliation, genetic information, or veteran status in accordance with state and federal laws.
Employward is a 501C Nonprofit Entity operating independently from the South Central Workforce Development Board (SCWDB) and is governed by its own Board of Directors. While affiliated with SCWDB, Employward maintains separate governance and operational structures to fulfill its mission and objectives. This statement aims to provide clarity regarding the distinct nature of Employward's organizational framework, highlighting its autonomy and accountability as a separate legal entity within the context of its collaboration with SCWDB.